
10 Benefits of Bilingualism

Benefits of Bilingualism can be seen in three aspects: Children, Families and Communication & Society Benefits for Children Better concentration, analytical skills, and multi-tasking Increasing sense of self-worth and identity valuing their cultural heritage and minority language, as well as developing a greater appreciation of other cultures Better career opportunities later in life The abilities to live abroad and learn other languages more easily later in life Communicate and connect with extended family members (such as grandparents) Assess to art, music, film, literature in both languages Opportunity to become "full" members of their respective communities Benefits for Families Communication between family members (such as grandparents) Maintenance of heritage culture and language Sense of identity and belonging Benefits for Wider Community and Society Children can eventually fulfill the linguistic and culture needs ...

09 Myths about bilingualism

This is some myths about bilingualism that has been discuss for a several years.  1. Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon .          It has been estimated that more than half the world's population is bilingual, that is lives with two or more languages. Bilingualism is found in all parts of the world, at all levels of society, in all age groups. Even in countries with many monolinguals, the percentage of bilinguals is high. For example, one can estimate that there are as many as 50 million bilinguals in the United States today.  2. Bilinguals acquire their two or more languages in childhood.          One can become bilingual in childhood, but also in adolescence and in adulthood. In fact, many adults become bilingual because they move from one country (or region) to another and have to acquire a second language. With time, they can become just as bilingual as children who acquire their languages in th...

08 Bilingual education

Bilingual education Bilingual education is bilingualism at the school level. It is not to be confused with bilingual child-raising. Bilingual education should involve teaching in two or more languages in a school, that is, more than one language as the medium of instruction for students to learn regular school subjects.                There are a lot of successful model for bilingual education .          1.      IMMERSION          2.     MAINTENANCE / HERITAGE LANGUAGE          3.     TWO-WAY / DUAL LANGUAGE          4.     MAINSTREAM BILINGUAL In immersion bilingual education the regular curriculum is taught to some extent in the target language, which can also be called Content-Based Foreign Language Teaching. If a program is called immersion, it may need to be confirm...

07 Type of Bilingual

Now we going to look on the type of bilingual people As we learn at the beginning that people can become a bilingual person at birth to 4+ years old . That is called Early bilingualism .         Early bilingualism is defined as the acquisition of more than one language in the pre-adolescent phase of life. Children can learn 2 language at the same time, from birth or acquires a first language and then learn second language. Another one is Late bilingualism which refers to bilingualism when the second language is learned after the age of 6 or 7; especially when it is learned in adolescence or adulthood           Type of bilingualism also classifies according to the skills : Balanced bilinguals and dominant bilinguals.  The difference between Balanced bilinguals and dominant bilinguals is  based on the relationship between the fluency & proficiency  of the respective languages...

06 Measurement of Bilingualism

You already know how people become bilingual now, so you might have this question in your mind.  How can we know who is a bilingual person and who is not. This is the 4 basic characteristic of bilingual person (1)            Grow up with the bilingual society (2)            Learning one at school and talking in another language at home. (3)            Interested to learn how to be a bilingual person (4)            Have opportunities to use another language in the country Another way to know that you are bilingual or not is to do the measurement of bilingualism. It can divide in to 2 types: Formal measurement and informal measurement. In formal measurement , It have traditional measurement which is may be good tools in terms of taking a relat...

05 How bilingual speak

          As we know that family social and education is effected the person when learning a second language to become bilingual. When a person become bilingual, they will think a lot on how to use each language that will appropriate the context. The process will begin at the Code-switching.               “ Code-switching is using between two languages or more than two languages in different situations or in the same sentence” For example, Helen is a woman who can speak in both Thai and Korean. If she is in Thailand, she will choose to speak Thai to communicate with others. For more understanding :   https://owlcation.com/humanities/Code-Switching-Definition-Types-and-Examples-of-Code-Switching After that will go to the Diglossia stage Diglossia has 2 parts              First, used to classify communication situations in societies between Formal ...

04 Factor to Develop Bilingualism in Person

  ⤃   The environment is very important to the language learner. When you are surrounded by the language people in that society speak, you tend to be automatically immersed in the language. You have to use that language to communicate with people in the society.   For example, her family is Chinese but once it comes to her, she cannot speak Chinese due to the fact that she is surrounded by Thai culture and Thai language. In school , School is traditionally a strong arm of culture, and central to its aims has always been a strong emphasis upon language.  On the one hand, the school has attempted to refine and develop communicative skills with the language or languages of its constituency; on the other, it has been the center for foreign-language acquisition. Nowadays, a bilingual program is popular.   they are of three types: transitional (L1 -> L2) , immersion (L2 -> L1+L2) , and continuing (L1+L2) . The interesting thin...