05 How bilingual speak

          As we know that family social and education is effected the person when learning a second language to become bilingual. When a person become bilingual, they will think a lot on how to use each language that will appropriate the context.
The process will begin at the Code-switching.

              “Code-switching is using between two languages or more than two languages in different situations or in the same sentence”
For example, Helen is a woman who can speak in both Thai and Korean. If she is in Thailand, she will choose to speak Thai to communicate with others.

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After that will go to the Diglossia stage

Diglossia has 2 parts
             First, used to classify communication situations in societies between Formal and Informal languages in the same language.
             Second, use between 2 languages, their language, and another language. It can be a formal or informal depends on the societies.

As the previous example, after Helen choose the language to speak, so she has to realize who she talk to and what level of language, formal or informal, to speak to that person.

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            And also you need to think about Language Choice not only which language or level of language that you going to speak. Language choice influenced by the social context in which we talking. It is about the topic, setting, and function of interaction, why we speaking in this context.

For example: If you are in the classroom and you want to ask English teacher about the lesson. You will choose English as a language to speak to your teacher and you will speak in a formal way and on the topic of the lesson which learning in class.




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07 Type of Bilingual

09 Myths about bilingualism

08 Bilingual education