02 Definition of Bilingualism


"Bilingualism is a person who can use two languages or more for communication like a native in 4 skills, which are both active (speaking and writing) and passive (listening and reading),  is advanced in one specific skill at least, and is able to switch the language automatically."

Becoming a bilingual person is good or bad?

Becoming bilingual can increase your abilities to do tasks. 
Also, bilingual people can solve the problem better than others bilingualism affected developing the mind and physical. But to be bilingual people, you might face the problem about tip-of-the-tongue, and your utterance might confuse the listener.

You can see that to be bilingual is better than monolingual. 
Guess how we become a bilingual person?

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07 Type of Bilingual

09 Myths about bilingualism

08 Bilingual education