06 Measurement of Bilingualism

You already know how people become bilingual now, so you might have this question in your mind. 
How can we know who is a bilingual person and who is not.

This is the 4 basic characteristic of bilingual person
(1)           Grow up with the bilingual society

(2)           Learning one at school and talking in another language at home.

(3)           Interested to learn how to be a bilingual person

(4)           Have opportunities to use another language in the country

Another way to know that you are bilingual or not is to do the measurement of bilingualism.

It can divide in to 2 types: Formal measurement and informal measurement.

In formal measurement, It have traditional measurement which is may be good tools in terms of taking a relatively short time to administer as well as facilitating 'feedback to the teacher that directly leads to action. And Behavioral measurement which is devised on the assumption that a balanced bilingual's performance would be the same whatever the language used in performing the task.

Another is Informal measurement, include code-switching, as already mention, and  language background questionnaire. These data represent reality because they are collected where bilinguals are under some psychological pressure, or whether some tests may be examining their cognitive skills, or at worst, test-taking skills instead of bilingualism.
Also measurement of bilingualism can include portfolio assessment where individuals collect a number of sample of their work which demonstrate their language ability.

As you knew, everyone can be bilingual person even if you are grow up with the bilingual society, interest in other languages or none of these. If you can communicate with other people by using the language you want; you already a bilingual person.

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07 Type of Bilingual

09 Myths about bilingualism

08 Bilingual education